
Hey guys! This isn’t really a fashion blog so much as just a kind of update and some important information regarding some things going on with me right now. I still edited a picture I took about a week ago just because I could LOL.

Okay, first things first! If you’ve tried to get in touch with my via SL, you’ve had no luck. My main account, MarieMcKinney Resident, and my old main Teresa Republic are both on hold due to billing problems. My bank thought that LL was fraudulently charging my account, and charged back some of the payments  I made. It’s being taken care of, but according to LL and my bank, it could take quite a while for the money to get back to LL.

That being said, if I have custom builds to do for you please contact me on Skype: teresa.republic, or by plurk so we can make arrangements. I’m very sorry for the delay, I didn’t see this coming at all. 

I have been enjoying my break from SL though, if I’m honest. I didn’t realize how much pressure it put me under. Not just creating, but keeping up with shopping/blogging/ect. I’ve gotten caught up on some things in RL and have been able to make some time for some things I used to really like doing. I can’t wait to come back though and buy all the pretty things!




Since I can’t log in to get the credits for this outfit, I apologize for the sloppyness!

Hair: Ploom

Eyes: IKON

Skin: Ths Sugar Garden – Hope – A

Shoes: Gos Boutique

Jeans: Villena – Skinny Jeans


Tank: Mon Tissu – Lolita Tanktop


Tied Up




Well! I suppose I have some explaining to do, right?!

It started when my good friend Vintage released this hair and called it ‘Tied Up”. I came up with a grand master plan I thought was hilarious and super easy… For April Fools I think I’ll dress up in crazy BDSM gear and take a raw snap and tell her I’m gonna blog her hair like that… Wellllll…

Unfortunately, BDSM gear is harder to find than I thought, and Nirans was acting like a sl*t. So… she signed off before I could, and I was left with these honestly decent pictures and a lot of time. I said w/e and edited them and here they are in a completely serious, for real blog post. I realize it’s not really everyone’s cup of tea (It’s CERTAINLY not mine *looks innocent*) but hey, if nothing else at least I can say I tried it and I looked FAB.

I guess I’m pretty bad at April Fools Day, huh? Oh well. Now I just need someone to come get me down. :/




Skin: The Sugar Garden – Hope – A Tone

Hair: Epoque – Tied Up – Grain #5

Shoes: GOS – Mae Platform

Lashes: Al Vulo

Harness: Sunkiller Harness – Black (

Gag: .Wound Ball Gag (

Ropes: Chanimations Fetish Cabaret (


[11:19] Marie (mariemckinney): lol I can’t make this gag stop drooling…
[11:19] Keira Seerose: ew



First Day

First Day A

Hey everyone! I thought I’d make up for the super short post last time with a long-winded one with lots and lots of things you need to know! Aren’t I the best?!

Augmented Avatar is going to be going through some changes, and we’ve already begun to reflect those on the site. As you can see, we have a new theme – it might change but for now we’re pretty happy with it!

You’ll also notice that you no longer need to type, as we’ve registered and mapped the domain name! So update your bookmarks and links 😀

Another thing you may be noticing is that I don’t have prim breasts on in the photo above. Although it’s a deviation from what the site was originally intended for, I have made the decision to all kinds of fashion posts on this blog, but I will still showcase Lola’s and Lush breasts a lot!

Zero has been behind the scenes helping with the blog the whole time, but it’s time she step into the spotlight. We’re very excited and this should come very soon, Zero is already working on her first post! She’s really nervous, but I’m so glad to have her aboard (finally >:) )

Last but not least, there are some changes to the review policy! Since we’ve proven to ourselves we can be steady bloggers, we’ve revised our policy – if you’re a designer or event organizer please check it out! We’re very humbled by the interest in our blog by both creators and readers!!

Now, on to the look today!

First Day B

Have you been to Analog Dog lately? I hadn’t… and I was in for a big surprise when I finally went. They’ve been releasing mesh hair under a sister brand Point B, and it’s really cute! I picked up quite a few styles… no pigtails though, so for now I will just have to dream. The hair I’m wearing is just as adorable though.

The Mongomery Dress from coldlogic is my go-to for schoolgirly and cute looks. Ever since I fatpacked it during their last sale, I find myself wearing it all the time! It’s a must have.

I’ve been really obsessed with IKON lately, and these eyes are to die for. The Dakota Mesh head really shows them off, don’t you think?

Thanks for reading everyone! If you have and questions or comments about the changes to the blog, or just something you want to share, click up top to leave a comment, we’d love to hear from you.

Skin & Head: The Sugar Garden – Dakota
Hair: Point B – Scene – Light Blondes
Dress: Coldlogic –  Montgomery – Raspberry
Hands: Slink – Mesh Hands Elegant Pose
Bow: Laviere – Candy Bow (Original)
Eyes: IKON – Eternal Eyes – Lagoon

Let me be yours

Let me be yours

Hello lovelies! ❤ Sorry about the super quick post today, but I simply had to show some of this off!

Thanks for reading!

Skin & Head: The Sugar Garden – Dakota
Outfit: lazybones – bodysuit (SL FASHION WEEK)
Hands: Slink Mesh Hands
Breasts: Lolas ::: Tango ::: Mesh Breasts (spine)
Lashes: vive9 flutter lashes
Hair: [taketomi]_Usagi_Platinum01
Eyes: IKON Eternal Eyes – Lagoon (L)

Seeing Stars

Seeings Stars A Lo-Res

Hey everyone! I’m so excited to bring you a new post only days after my last one, hopefully I can keep up this pace as tax season slows down.

As promised, I have yet to take off the Dakota mesh head, but today I’m wearing a different set of eyes from IKON, the coloring was just perfect for this outfit and hair.

I normally impulse buy everything in FLF, but this week I found myself being extra excited about this hair from Wasabi Pills. The subtle streaks of pink in this candy purple color is soooo cute!

And it goes perrrrrrrfectly with this new baby doll dress from Katatonik which I’m absolutely obsessed with! It even comes with a hud to chose the level of transparency on the bottom, and the fact that Katatonik is offering a Lola’s version of this release is positively thrilling. I’ve never had an applier fit as well as this one did right out of the box, this dress is remarkably well done and well worth the 750L price tag!

Finally, this hairbow from Olive is one of my current obsessions. My favorite thing about it that in addition to being texture change, you can also tint it, which is how i got it to the shade I wanted in these pictures.

Speaking of my pictures, have you tried Niran’s Viewer? These pictures and the ones from my last post were all taken in the new viewer, which has a totally redesigned interface, and really makes second life more immersive than I’ve ever seen it. If you haven’t tried it, go go go! Be patient, the UI is much different than what we’re used to, especially the preferences, but if you tinker with them enough you’ll end up with a beautiful environment thats not just for pictures, but walking around as well!


Seeings Stars B Lo-Res


Skin and Head: The Sugar Garden

Hair: Wasabi Pills

Eyes: IKON

Hairbow: Olive 

Dress and Underwear: Katatonik

Hands: Slink

Breasts: Lolas


Thanks for reading! ❤

Take me out

Take me out B

Hiiii everyone! So I know it’s been a while, but I really just have been busy with my current RL job, it’s insane!

You might notice I’m wearing a mesh head again, but it’s not the same one as last time! This is the NEW mesh head from the sugar garden, Dakota, and she’s absolutely adorable. Elfie has been teasing me for what seems like ages with this head, and now that I finally have it, I don’t know that I’ll ever take it off! It’s such a sweet and adorable look, with just a hint of exaggeration. I really hope Miss Sugarplum makes more of these, because I really feel like mesh heads will become the standard soon, and more variation is always great!

The mesh head has 6 makeups and 6 expressions. I’m wearing the ‘sad’ expression, but really I think that it looks perfectly pouty, and it suits my avatar’s personality.

PS – That little peice of hair sticking up was actually a glitch but I thought it was cute so I kept it!


I’m also wearing this adorable hair from truth, it did clip through my boobs so I had to edit my pic some, but I wear my lolas sort’ve high on my chest because they’re small, this hair is definitely worth demoing!

I couldn’t think of a more perfect outfit to wear today than this new set from Boom at the dressing room fusion. It’s adorable! I wis I would have taken a picture from behind because these booty shorts make my ass look incredible. For 70L? Can’t beat it. There’s also 2 more colors if you’re not a superfan of pink like me!

Thats all for today ❤ Thanks for reading!

Skin/Head: The Sugar Garden – Dakota Mesh Head/Skin
Eyes: The Sugar Garden – Sleepy Eyes Green
Hair: Truth – Tenille – Seasand (fades)
Hands: Slink
Outfit: Boom Sporty Set(At TDR Fusion!)
Boobs: Lola’s Tangos


01052013CLO 01062013ALO 01052013BLO


Okay so apologies on the super long delay between posts, my new RL job is a lot more demanding than I expected. That’s a good thing though, right?!

I was so excited for Ooh La La to start carrying Appliers for Tangos that I simply had to post. Literally EVERYTHING in the store is updated with appliers! I bought one of just about everything, but this new pearl playsuit is too cute not to show off. I don’t even think she raised the prices on the items, and her store is more than reasonable as it is. Most lingerie sets are between 100-120L and it’s all top of the line stuff. Can’t beat that!

You’re probably more concerned with what’s up with my head. This doll head from The Sugar Garden is positively adorable, and since they freak out my BFF Rodrigo, I can only wear them in the privacy of my skybox. The head is part of their ‘Ball Jointed Avatar” I’m not wearing the skin here, since it doesn’t have an applier for tangos. Thankfully, the head is pretty versatile, and I’m wearing it here with a Modish skin. The ball jointed avatar is L$1000, which I thought was a little steep, but after wearing around the head this evening I’m glad I purchased it, and hope there are more variations coming out!  TIP: If you use this BJD av with mesh hair, scale up your head size and wear a full head alpha. It basically scaled up the head of your hair. I modified the shape that came with the Fashionably Dead doll heads at the Arcade for this shot. I adore those heads as well!

That does it for me this time! Happy New Year everyone!


Hair: >TRUTH< Cheyenne – pumpkinpie (Fades Pack)
Skin: ::Modish:: Dunia -Nude- Pale Lt
Lingerie: (Ooh Lala!) Pearl Playsuit
Mesh Head: “TSG” Rheia Pink BJD Head
Breasts: :Lolas :: Tango ::: Mesh Breasts
Hands: Slink Mesh Hand Elegant